
Tuesday 2 July 2013

This Man Prophet Owuor lives like A King,Check out his car collection and Lifestyle

Just to let you know from the start,making of financial offering is not allowed in his Church no Sadaka at all so how he makes his money we don't know but one thing we are sure about is that the man lives a lavish lifestyle,his taste on cars phenomenal. Infact his entourage is that of a presidential fleet fully equipped with bodyguards and police escort.

He is also known to be very sensitive on the cars that joins his convoy,its said of a time he once visited Kakamega in a convoy of Prado(s) the convoy was so long it caused a traffic turmoil in a small town that has never experienced this. That aside,The prophet has a fleet of cars in his garage,here is just but a hint.
He has not one but several of these

This was one of the "sadaka" offered to him by a worshiper.

And now look at the latest beast in the garden

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