
Wednesday 31 July 2013

CORD now Plots to Kick Kidero from the Nairobi Governorship for supporting Uhuru..Kethi Kilonzo to replace him..

ODM secretary general Anyang Nyong’o has hinted plans by CORD coalition to sponsor Kethi Kilonzo to wrestle the Nairobi gubernatorial post currently held by Dr. Evans Kidero.

Dr. Kidero has been the subject of a series of high level meetings convened by the coalition luminaries after it emerged that he was warming up for President Kenyatta’s Jubilee coalition.

Kidero has been under scathing attacks in the social media with the revelations that he has fallen out with the Cord leadership.

‘’Kethi is in politics to stay and she’s going for something much bigger than Makueni County,’’ said Nyong’o 

Nyong’o has however denied claims that Kidero has defected to Jubilee saying the Nairobi
governor was a life member of ODM and has not indicated he had quit the party.

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