
Tuesday 23 July 2013

SHOCKING REVELATIONS: Who gave KETHI KILONZO fake registration slip used by KIBAKI?

Over the past one month, Kenyans have been treated to a political soap opera where CORD stalwarts and Jubilee operatives have been throwing punches at each other over the eligibility of Kethi Kilonzo to vie for Makueni Senate seat. 

Although, Kethi Kilonzo has been disqualified from vy ing for the seat, big
question now lingers around who gave her fake registration documents which may eventually land her in jail? 

According to Coalition and Reform and Democracy (CORD) leaders and senior Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officials, Kethi was issued with a fake acknowledgment slip by The National Alliance (TNA) party with authority from “the highest office in the land”

The reason for giving her a fake acknowledgment slip was to convince her to seek the Makueni Senatorial seat on a Jubilee coalition ticket. 

But instead of accepting Jubilee Coalition overtures, Kethi refused and went ahead to declare her intention of vy ing for the seat on a CORD ticket. As political pundits may put it, Kethi “dug her own grave” when she refused to sing the Jubilee Chorus and her goose was cooked. 

So when you saw Jubilee Coalition shouting that Kethi is not a registered

voter, they were confident that she is not a registered voter since they are the ones who threw her into the bottomless pit that Raila, Kalonzo, Muthama and even Orengo could not get her out of.

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