
Thursday 11 July 2013

Dear Synovate, Uhuru Is Popular Yes But, For The Wrong Reasons

By Hon. Jim Bonnie
The ICC indictee – Uhuru Kenyatta – has dominated the mainstream media all for the wrong reasons. I partly agree with Synovate when their skewed research point to Mr. Kenyatta as the most popular individual.

However, they failed to tell Kenyans why he is popular. People are popular for diverse reasons. Osama was popular and we know why. Mandela is popular and we know why. Raila Odinga is famous and we know why.

For avoidance of doubt, Uhuru draws his fame from the fact that he is an indicted president. I recall his May 2013 visit to the United Kingdom where news headlines such as “the criminal president” rented the British airwaves.

Who doesn’t know that Uhuru is allegedly popular for championing impunity, tribal hatred and ethnic jingoism in Kenya. The “Waki envelope” for instance would weigh low without his name. TJRC is another weird custodian of Uhuru’s name.

How on earth a man who struggles to strangle a political giant – Raila Odinga – fail to gain popularity? A man whose political and presidential ambition is to “retire” his foremost opponent deserves to be popular by all standards.

If Uhuru wouldn’t have been popular for achieving nothing in his first 100
days in power, i would be a worried Kenyan. His notable achievements having been; visiting his political “witchdoctor” – Daniel Moi – twice and a trip to the “despotic advisor” – Museveni.

Attending burials and inviting every Tom, Dick and Hurry to state house are Uhuru’s popularity “ingredients” and major presidential assignments. He has perfected media popularity stunt than any existing president or Hollywood celebrities.

To my mothers, aunts, sisters – in Christ and in life, and ladies friends; wouldn’t a man who seeks to tax sanitary pads be popular in your group talks or “chama”?

Be warned, i am writing the truth as it is. Your tribal vendeta cows me not. Uhuru is popular because he is deadly tribal. Look at the skewed public appointments. Do they communicate something to you?

I can’t fail to mention the recent Obama visit to Africa. You all know he gamboled Kenya, of all the countries. When in South Africa, Barrack gave his reasons. In short, he can’t stand Uhuru’s “criminal connections”.

Nevertheless, he never left us empty handed. He promised to come home after the ICC has dealt mercilessly with Mr. Kenyatta. Weren’t Obama’s remarks an instant “popularity promo” for Uhuru?

Synovate’s reluctance to inform us the source and cause of Uhuru’s popularity is betrayal and professional “bad behaviour”. Its lead researcher, Mr. Tom Wolf, should make it clear to us whether he is a new entrant into Uhuru’s payroll or not.

Being a new recruit in Uhuru’s camp is never our worry. We only seek to be made aware, as a matter of public interest, who we are dealing with in this case. It is good to draw the line. In politics, you need to clearly identify your associates and foes.

It is not hectic to connect the dots. Synovate and Uhuru/TNA are evidently “lovely” bedmates. No cajoling, arm-twisting or subterfuge will cow us into thinking otherwise.
Mr. Tom “Wolf” and synovate should stop hoodwinking Kenyans. Your malevolent intentions of seeking “regime sxmpathy” so as to continue conducting business in Kenya will be catastrophic.

We are not fools. You can as well go ahead and rebrand. I don’t give a damn!

The writer is a prolific writer and a political strategist, he can be reached via email:

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