
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Appointment Committee rejects Phyllis Kandie as Cabinet Secretary Nominee for East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism

The Appointments Committee that is chaired by Speaker of the National Assembly Mr Justin Muturi has rejected the nomination of Phyllis Kandie as Cabinet Secretary for East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism.

Majority whip in parliament Katoo Ole Metito informed parliament that all the other 15 nominated cabinet secretaries were unanimously approved by the committee which had also agreed that Mrs Kandie did not merit appointment.

"The decision on the rejection of Kandie's name as a nominee for Cabinet Secretary was unanimous," Metito said while tabling the report.

Muturi confirmed to the House that the 28 member committee had found that Kandie did not merit the position she had been nominated to.

Majority leader Aden Duale said that it was the first time that the Principals were crafting a cabinet team that had to be approved by parliament.

Duale said the rejection was because of her performance when she appeared before the committee but she had no integrity or qualification issues.

Duale said Kandie had adversely been mentioned by a memorandum from a member of the public but was cleared by the committee.

Suba MP John Mbadi had said parliament should be told the reasons that led to the rejection of Kandie's as a candidate.

The report is currently being debated on by the MPs in parliament.

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