
Friday, 8 March 2013


Dear friends,
As we approach the final sprint in Election 2013, please be magnanimous in victory or defeat. The Presidency will be for all Kenyans.
 If your guy wins, don’t rub someone’s face in it. If your guy loses, life goes on. There are some pretty awesome Jubilee supporters and some pretty awesome Cord supporters. 
There are also some mean-spirited Jubilee supporters and equally there are some mean-spirited Cord supporters. The party you represent doesn’t make you a good or bad person; it’s your actions as an individual that determine your character. 
I did not vote for Kidero but I was happy to be among the first to call him to congratulate him on his win. And I’m sure he will do a great job as governor. Let’s support all our leaders, irrespective of the seats they have won, in the same fashion.
 That is my humble request. God bless you and God bless the Republic of Kenya.

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